Friday, 21 June 2013

Decluttering and homemaking

Time to reorganize the mess that is my craft room, when I started to use this room a few ywars ago it looked all perky and smart, new paper, carpet and computer, suddenly the junk and mess I have accumulated just had to go and TODAY.. NOW.
Right I thought if I make a blog post of it I will do it well, so armed with trusty camera, I took a few before and after photos.

You cant see the half of it from this angle, the magazines on the floor, the wool, the ironing, stapleguns, old table in the way.  I got rid of two big bags of unwanted stuff that needed removing for the bin, plus a useful bag of unused wool to donate to the Hospice shop.
So after the declutter my new revamped room went from shabby to chic , complete with new chair removed from the conservatory.So much nicer and comfortable to sit on than the grotty typing chair that has now been put for the refuse tip.

Much better, a clean and tidy environment , suddenly it seems calm in here , making you want to stop and linger and be creative.Note my lovely Singer sewing machine from 1908.

That wasnt the end of it, whilst decluttering, I thought the conservatory needed a going over too, so after much moving and sorting it went from this

Not cluttered or shabby, but  an untidy old mess to relax and enjoy myself in.
To....below photos .... this smart and clean looking room.

A change of cushion covers, ironing done and put away, a chair removed, a bit of hoovering and cleaning, and in no time at all I was done, I get the homemaking from my lovely gran winifred sockett, long since gone, but always with me in spirit, especially when I hear her voice saying, open that duster out , when I was helping her on a sunday to do a bit of polishing I would have been about 10yrs of age.. I remember the scent of lavender polish, fresh soap, clean icy cold sheets on the beds we would make together. It never felt like hard work because it wasnt, we would chat away and I always felt of use to my gran, anyway I take after her for my wanting a nice home and my daughter definately has inherited grans homemaking gene, thats a fact!! I hope my gran would be pleased.
Time for a nice cuppa tea,  I feel really good with my homemaking today, I love the odd spot of domesticity, then I can forget all about it... well till next time it needs a sort out.