At eight o clock I went out with the camera to capture some photos of the garden, a glorious summers morning outside. In the depths of winter it is cheering to look back and see what the garden was like in summer, especially when the winter is as long as last years was.So here are just pictures that capture this moment in time.
In the evenings when it has gone cool we sit outside with a cuppa for me or a drink of beer for gaz, and watch the birds and listen to the sounds of them in the trees. A bit of rose pruning for me who cant sit still.Or putting out bird seed for the critters for morning, and topping up the water for them to bathe and drink, they so need on on sweltering hot days.
This is a new area, we are hoping this rose planted underneath the obelisk will grow to the top it is called golden showers.Also the fuschia called swingtime is planted in an economy basket lined with a bit of old bag the compost came in, and it has worked a treat..
How these marguerite daises have done well this year , watering them everyday they have grown in abundance.
Garys veg patch has kept us in lettuce , chives and herbs, potatoes growing in the background, inside the greenhouse are tomatoes and in tubs carrots, self sufficiency in surbiton I say, just like our favourite programme called The Good Life.
Part of the newly built patio area by the pergola that gary has made and he also planted the lobelia.
The purple lavatera plant has grown high and underneath the magnificent bright geranium I love.
This is the new area revamped earlier in the year and looking fantastic, our hanging baskets have given us so much pleasure to look at, as has the water splash into the wooden barrel, on the left of the pic.
Another new part of the garden, I took this photo to see how it could be improved upon, all we have done so far is to split some ferns and rootle out a broken owl statue we found over cannock chase many many moons ago. So a few ideas here might improve it, but so much better than it had been, there was a wheelbarrow stuck here for years.
How can you not love sunflowers, my sons favourite plant, and one he has written a song about for him and laura, which he plays on guitar.
This is the side of the garage, how pretty with just a few pots and a second hand find of an iron wheelbarrow planted up with flowers.
I am just so pleased with our garden this year, the hard work and effort has paid off, with new areas planted and we have really enjoyed working i it together, a shared hobby that we both enjoy.Okey dokey thats it onwards now with the day and its going to be hot hot hot!!!!!so the fan will be on and cool drinks in the fridge.